Sherene enjoys sharing her experience and knowledge about her career and the trials and tribulations she has experienced. With articles and podcasts, Sherene has spoken openly about the struggles of career pivoting, working motherhood, and being an entrepreneur. Below are links to articles and podcasts, where you can learn more about Sherene, her business, and her career. If you'd like to book her on your podcast, contact me now!
Published articles:
How I Found Balance and Flexibility as a Working Mom in Film and Animation
My first film, “Cool For You,” has been accepted into 39 film festivals and received multiple awards, including a Silver Anthem Award last month. As an independent filmmaker with no financial backing or creative support team, I produced, directed, animated, scored, and sound mixed/edited the an animated micro-short myself.

How to Build a Stable Freelance Career
Running a business is a lot like raising a child: It takes a village. Anyone who has ever started a new career, launched a small business, or switched into freelancing understands the innumerable challenges ahead. As a wise old hermit in a cave once said, "It's dangerous to go alone."

Mothers in Motion
Thriving as a professional in the motion design field is hard. The concerns are myriad—the never-ending struggle to learn new software (those endless updates!), tap dancing through the proverbial minefield of tight budgets and deadlines, keeping on top of new technologies so you don’t get left behind, and much more. But what happens when you throw motherhood into the mix of building a motion design career?

Free Tools to Start Up Your Freelance Art Business
It can be hard to get a business up and running and market it without investing a lot. Fortunately, there are some amazing tools and services out there for solopreneurs and small businesses that are very inexpensive…or entirely free. I have found many ways to set up, run and promote my small business—87th Street Creative—without making a large investment...from marketing to invoicing and many other steps in between.

Podcast Guest Appearances:

Cool For you
Jury Award for Best Youth Film at Cineglobe Film Festival at CERN, Honorable Mention for Global Shorts and Silver Anthem Award.
Propublica's Roth IRA
Featured in Best Video Designs by Design Rush
From edutainment to short movies, the wide range of video types can boost organic traffic by 160% and boost conversion rates by 80%. This makes videos ideal content for reaching your target ROI. In this article, we list some of the finest, most creative, and technically advanced video designs that excel in messaging and artistic value.